Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 1)

in contrast to the darker greytone where the original A-horizon is largely 
uneroded.Where the topsoil has become thin and got mixed with the lighter 
subsoil by ploughing and in places where the topsoil has been eroded away, 
exposing a lighter coloured subsoil,a greater reflection may occur from the 
eroded land surface.A poorer plant growth and greater surface dryness in the 
eroded parts may contribute to this greytone difference. 
Case B & G : Cross sections B and C represent the reverse case, where a 
dark greytone on the AP indicates the places where surface erosion has been 
severe. This happens when a light textured surface soil has been eroded away 
uncovering a subsoil of heavier texture. The moisture conditions, the plant 
growth, the colour of the mineral matter of this new surface can make the 
greytone relatively dark. This case can be expected to occur relatively 
frequently in areas where ALfisols are common. 
Slope of Coto Alto, 
Navahom bela. 
Merida , 
high terrace 
II -, very light greytone 
I : light greytone 
dl : medium greytone 
d : dark greytone 
dd : very dark 
Fig. 1 
Generalised representation of greytone patterns on AP related 
to soil erosion.and the corressponding landscape, forms

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