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The second section of fig. 1 shows measurements of healthy
leaves on color-film. In this case, the second step (G), which
matches the green color portion, has the highest level. The red
and blue portions are expectedly lower than the green one. In
some cases the red level is a little higher than the blue one.
The third and fourth section of fig. 1 refer to the mea
surements of sick leaves.
Section three for the color-infrared-film represents a
relatively high IR-level. The green level, representing the red
portion of the leaves, is lower. But the blue level, that is
the green portion of leaves, gives the lowest value.
The fourth section of fig. 1 shows sick leaves on color-
film. The gradation allows clear recognition ot the ginger color
of the sick leaves.
Altogether fig. 1 shows clearly on both types of films the
different reflectance of healthy and sick leaves. The single
step combinations within one section are very similar and allow
the classification.
The progress of the disease, however, could not be detected
by measurements of the transmittance.
Cluster description
With the above described measurements the 6 graphics of
fig. 2 were gained. For this two color densities of the same
pixel were plotted, the density scale going from 0.2 to 2
In fig. 2 we see the so called clusters. Healthy leaves
are marked by points, sick leaves by crosses. If the two clusters
of a graphic superpose, the separation of healthy and sick ob
jects is not possible. In fig. 2 this is the case at the combi
nation green-blue and blue-red of the Colorfilm. On the other
hand the clusters of the combination green-red for the Colorfilm
are designated on both sides of the diagonal so called color neutral line.
This means for the combination green-red, healthy and sick leaves can be
distinguished, with the healthy leaves giving a positive and the sick leaves
giving a negative value.