Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 1)

Erfolgreiche Experimente in der Landkartenherstel 1 unq städtischer Boden 
nutzung, durch Verwendung algorithmischer Mustererkennung in der Digital - 
Kalkuliermaschine, indem Aufnahmen von multispektralen Uberblicksdaten vom 
"Earth Resources Technology Satel 1 ite-1," gemacht wurden, sind von Forschern 
des geographischen Programms, U S Geological Survey, und dem Labor für 
Anwendung von "Remote Sensing," Purdue University, durchgeführt worden. Als 
Format der Karten erscheint ein Kalkuliermaschinen-Liniendruck, sowie Farb 
drucke von Filmaufnahmen. Zahlreiche Kategorien von Bodennutzungsund Boden 
bedeckungsformen wurden identifiziert und Kartographiert, um vollen Gebrauch 
des Potenziells des Kalkuliermaschinen-Überblickssystems zu machen. Einige 
Neuerungen in maschineller Analyse wurden entwickelt in Antwort auf: 1) 
Unterscheidung von ländlichen und städtischen Gebieten; 2) Anordnung von 
Daten in Kartenformat; 3) Zusammenstellung von Resultaten durch statistische 
Einheiten; und 4) Lösung von weitern Problemen. Anwendung und Kritik der ent 
wickelten Methodik zeigen Fortschritt, identifizieren Schwächen des Systems 
und deuten auf Richtungen für weitere Verbesserungen. 
Since the launching of Earth Resources Technology Satellite-1 and follow 
ing the shutdown of its vidicon system, considerable effort has been made to 
utilize data received from the satellite's multispectral scanner system. Whi1 
most of the total number of applications have used the visual images recon 
structed from digital data by NASA in both individual bands and in false color 
the computer compatible digital tape data have also been heavily used. These 
data have been processed by digital computer, employing pattern recognition 
algorithms, to examine spatial distributions by making "computer-drawn" maps 
and other graphic displays. Topics as diverse as soils, vegetation, land- 
forms, crops, and land use have been studied. Of the latter, both rural and 
urban land use have been mapped and measured in numerous experiments. 
The goal of the research reported on in this paper is to discover how 
computer-aided processing of ERTS-acguired multispectral data can be employed 
to map urban land use in the best possible way given current levels of com 
puter technology and the relatively simple configuration of the satellite's 
scanner. Attempts have been made to map these land uses with the highest 
degrees of accuracy possible while delineating the maximum practical number 
of categories. Further, the highest locational accuracy standards possible 
have been attempted with the computer-generated graphics. 
Numerous researchers have made advances in the field within the last 
two plus years since the launch of ERTS-1. Centers equipped with computer 
facilities, often previously used to process aircraft-borne scanner infor 
mation, made early thrusts in this endeavor. Todd (1973) and others at the 
Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing (LARS), Purdue University 
found -- in an experimental mapping of the land use of Milwaukee, Wiscon 
sin -- the urban scene to be more complex spectrally than it was concep 
tually to the photo interpreter. Residential and commercial areas alike

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