titic-hydrothermal deposits of tin or tungsten, as well as ra
dioactive minerals.
In the Tibesti a number of previously unknown circu
lar features could be mapped on the ERTS-1 images, as shown in
fig. 6. A prominent ring structure in the southeastern spur of
the Tibesti, Aorounga, was examined in detail on aerial photo
graphs. It seems that granitic diapirism offers the best ex
planation for the various phenomena observed; that would mean
that a Post-Devonian magmatic activity must be assumed for the
Southern Sahara.
The visual evaluation of ERTS-1 images of the Tibesti
Mountains has proved a very useful additional source of geolo
gical information, complementary to aerial photographic inter
pretation and field work. In an interpretation map based on the
ERTS-1 MSS imagery different lithological units could partly be
mapped with higher accuracy, correlation of sandstone outcrops
over large distances could be revised, new intrusive bodies
were found, and a more uniform and representative picture of
the regional fracture and fault pattern evolved.
For the future, more emphasis must be laid on non-vi-
sual methods like spectral fingerprint analysis and pattern re
cognition techniques, in order to fully utilize the wealth of
geological information still buried in satellite imagery.
The autors are indebted to the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, Washington, D.C., for rendering possi
ble these investigations under the NASA Contract SR 349 (Prin
cipal Investigator: F.K.LIST), carried out through the Bundes
ministerium für Forschung und Technologie, Bonn, and wish to
express their thanks to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft,
Bad Godesberg, and the Freie Universität Berlin for funding the
work reported here.
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