Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 2)

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overlays (cultural, soil, vegetation, etc.) may be con 
structed, depending on the time available and the reason 
of interest: attention is of course always primarily 
directed to the individual problem at hand. For example, 
a request may be for the expected projection of a single 
producing mineralized vein or a regional search may be 
requested for additional lineaments which could be miner 
alized and which can then be quickly sampled by spot 
geochemical methods. With the over $10/BBL oil, an in 
creasingly common request is for the location of areas 
of conjugate lineament sets which may control distribu 
tion by providing the needed porosities/permeabilities. 
The first step in this type of electronic enhancement 
is to produce a normal view on a television monitor for 
comparisons to enhanced views and for comparisons to 
constructed overlays. The imagery is then projected 
through the density slicer (Fig. 1) at the basic 8-color 
rate and increased into the 32-color mode: at the same 
time the image is appearing on the edge-enhancer. The 
system is usually hooked in parallel so we get simulta 
neous density slicing and edge-enhancement of the subject 
view; however, in some cases it has been advantageous to 
wire in series whereby we density slice the edge-enhanced 
view. Poor-grade imagery can be "lightened” by a dashpot 
control on the camera and Ronchi gratings and various 
filters can be placed over the television lens to resolve 
faint lineaments. Suspicious areas or areas of particular 
interest are then enlarged by a 12 X 15 zoom lens which 
can be combined with a tele-extender. Capabilities also 
include an electronic planimeter and a density control 
unit (DCU). We have found the DCU particularly useful 
in extrapolating to possible mineralized areas, particu 
larly when surface discoloration is present. Readings 
are made by the movable cursors on known mineralized 
outcrops and then other areas of similar appearing density 
are measured. Those areas which do exhibit similar 
density readings, particularly when associated with 
structural features, are then field checked. Rather 
than study the imagery on the monitors, 35 mm slides 
are usually taken which, as you can see, can be enlarged 
by projection. 
Whereas the methodology used and described is obvious,

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