Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 2)

tion. In geothermal areas this operation is particularv 
3 Ratio between thermal channels. 
In this way a relative emissivity map is obtained (Fig. 10). 
The captions of the images related to the above examples 
will give detailed information on the applications of this 
The authors recognize the valuable assistance of Dr. 
G. Platania of Rossi Ent-Italv, during the play-back opera 
tions . 
CASSINIS R. , MARINO C.M., TONELLI A.M. (1974): "Ground and 
airborne thermal imagery on Italian Volcanic areas". 
U.N. Symposium on the Development and Utilization of 
Geothermal Resources,Pisa.Geothermaics,Voi.2,Part.I,Special 
Issue 2. 
CASSINIS R., MARINO C.M., TONELLI A.M. (1971): "Evaluation 
of thermal I.R. imagery on Italian volcanic areas. Ground 
and airborne surveys". 
Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on 
Remote Sensing of Environment. Ann Arbor, Mich. 
LECHI G.M. (1974): "Tecniche di elaborazione analogica ap 
plicate allo studio di immagini multispettrali". 
Proceedings of Symposium held by Associazione Elettrotecnica 
Italiana - Rome Sept. 1974. 
LECHI G.M., DE CAROLIS C. (1974): " Rilievi da terra e dal 
l'aereo nell'infrarosso fotografico e termico su campi di 
riso affetti da giallume". 
Il Riso. N. 2 , Anno XXIII. 
LECHI G.M., MARINO C.M., TONELLI A.M. (1972): " Geological 
applications of remote sensing surveys in Italy with 
special reference to their utilization on the volcanic areas" 
Proceedings of 24th International Geological Congress - 
Section 9 - Montreal. 
TONELLI A.M. (1974): "Trattamento analogico di informazio 
ni provenienti da telesensori termici". 
Proceedings of Symposium held by Associazione Elettrotecni 
ca ed Elettronica Italiana - Rome, Sept. 1974.

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