Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 2)

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multiple, discontinuous or continuous for several hundred feet. Structural 
composition usually indicates the presence of beach material sediments 
such as pebbles, gravel and sand or sandy silt. The upper portion 
of the ridge in many instances is composed of unconsolidated sandy, 
fine sediment, whereas the lower portion often carries gravelly, stony 
or sandy mixtures. Vegetative cover was visually estimated, plant 
species identified and substrate characteristics noted. 
For a more detailed description from different locations, 
four sites were randomly selected from aerial photographs of 1:63,000 
Site No. 1 
Location: Melville Island (Air photo no.: A-16763-60) 
Dimensions (maximum height above ground): 3-4 ' 
Upper substrate texture: silty sand 
Lower substrate texture: gravel-sand 
Vegetation cover (%): 
Upper portion: unvegetated 
Lower portion: 10-15% plant cover 
Phytosociologic composition: 
Racomitrium (D)* 
Carex (S)** 
Luzula (r)*** 
Saxifraga oppositiolia, Saxifraga rivularis, Saxifraga 
nivalis, Saxifraga caespitosa 
Papaver (R) 
Site No. 2 
Location: Melville Island (Air photo no.: A-16763-181) 
Dimensions (maximum height above ground): 4 f 
Upper substrate texture: silty sand 
Lower substrate texture: sand-stone fragments 
Vegetation cover (%) 
Upper portion: unvegetated 
Lower portion: 20-25% plant cover 
Phytosociologic composition: 
Carex (D) 
At Specific sites: 
* Dominant 
** Subdominant 
*** Rare

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