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hr affen
hung eines
ive Analyse
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(stereoscopic) relief. When proceeding to lowland areas of negligible relief,
however, the interpretation necessarily increasingly depends on the proper
evaluation of density patterns as in such cases the relief factor loses its im-
poitance. The same applies if theormographic and (non-stereo) radar images
■ optischen
are concerned that do not permit stereoscopic analysis. The analysis of density
patterns then becomes almost the only approach to mapping the (horizontal) dis
tributional patterns of landform configuration. In the case of colour material, of
course, colour tones take the place of grey tone values.
l recent
Density analysis for the study of terrain poses two problems, however. Firstly,
the densities recorded result from the reflection or emission characteristics of
the surface of the land and thus are related rather to the cover types (vegetation,
Dments in the
land use) than to the landforms themselves. Contrary to relief analysis that is
Ing produced,
Lon techniques.
Lief and/or of
sities or tonal
rooted directly in landform, density analysis is only indirectly linked to landform
and can only be considered a reliable approach to the study of terrain if the den
sity of the vegetative or other cover can be translated in terms of landform. The
second problem in density analysis is that imperfections in the human eye-brain
also serve
system do not always render a satisfactory straightforward interpretation of grey
tones or colour patterns. "Enhanced" images with manipulated tones and colours
. geomorphol-
lated to land-
have thus been introduced. Absolute density estimates are beyond our capacities
and various methods for quantification have therefore been developed in recent
by stereos-
:rits. Stereos-
years on the basis of density slicing. An example is given in section 3 of this
If certain directional trends exist either in the relief or in the density pattern
of photo-
e major ter-
>btainable, is
studied, their quantitative analysis may be of interest. Various methods exist
for this purpose. An interesting mode of analyzing patterns on aerial photographs
and other kinds of images has arisen from the introduction of optical filtering
techniques and the study of the diffraction patterns thus produced. The concept
Y revealed
is have to be
of optical filtering is from ABBE (1873) who carried out several experiments.
The research was continued by PORTER (1906) but the first application in earth
y and moun-
>tics of the
sciences is by BARBER (1949) who unraveled a complex pattern of several swell
directions, using conventional monochromatic light.
It was the advent in 1961 of the parallel beam of coherent, monochromatic, and
e exposure
s thus of
in-phase light as produced by a LASER (light amplification by stimulated emission
of radiation), however, that opened new vistas of the kinds of applications referred
to in this paper. The equipment was devised primarily for the study of seismic
3 in image
f the
sections and the earlier publications thus relate mainly to this subject (ZDANOVIC,
1963; DOBRIN et. al. , 1965; JACKSON, 1965; SCHEEN and v. ASPEREN, 1965).