Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 2)

670 - 
about 2000 by 2000 picture elements on 20 x 20 cm photographic 
paper. This machine was originally developed for the police de 
partment to transmit fingerprints and produces and develops one 
picture in 12 minutes. 
At the moment a very hiqh resolution color output and input ma- 
chine with 40 x 40 cm picture size as used by the printing industry 
is being interfaced with the digital system. In the near future there 
will be a disc refreshed storage CRT to display statistical data and 
a 625 line color television display to do interactive image proces 
The main aim of software development is to produce a user oriented 
software system which allows both the computer experienced scientist 
to do his research without an overburden of systems requirements, as 
well as to give the non computer specialist (geographer, geologist, 
oceanographer etc.) some possibility to interactively process his 
images by specifying standard functions on the teletype or pointing 
them out on the display with acoursor (color combinations, level 
slices, distributions, annotations, ratio mapping etc.). 
Most of our efforts in the past months were getting the basic machine 
functions ready and experimenting with programs, such as we might per 
manently install at a later date. 
The basic software package which is nearly ready will at least include 
the following items: 
- Display of variable portion of the image 
- Enlargement 
- Display of distributions of intensities and deducted features such 
as ratios and differences of spectral bands 
- Printing of the image numerical matrix 
- Display of two-dimensional distributions 
- Classification by 
linear separation planes and 
minimum distance rule

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