Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 2)

To date the emphasis in automated classification has been 
on supervised methods with spectral information. The operational 
classification systems will develop during the next year by incor 
porating effective clustering algorithms with the use of multitem 
poral data. Registration of digital ERTS imagery, important for 
classification and change detection, will be initially restricted 
to small areas where variations in scale are minimal. Registration 
of complete ERTS frames for operational classification systems will 
not be carried out until hardware systems have been developed which 
permit rapid geometric co-ordinate conversion of entire frames. The 
inclusion of such a geometric correction device in the present image 
analysis programs would not only make the registration of temporal 
imagery easier, but would increase considerably the mapping accuracy 
of the resulting land-use maps. 
It is anticipated that use of spatial information to per 
mit shape discriminations will be made in the near future. The in 
clusion of spatial measures with spectral information can be carried 
out for ERTS. It is necessary, however, to reduce the ground re 
solution of the image by segmenting the scene into cells, each of 
which is large enough (about 5x5 pixels) to enable an accurate 
determination of the spatial parameters to be made. This reduction 
in resolution would decrease the cost effectiveness of the approach, 
but these methods may still prove beneficial for mapping of geologi 
cal features. 
To date automated classification systems have not made 
extensive use of digital sensor measurements collected by aircraft. 
New developments in airborne radar units (SLAR) and multispectral 
scanners will stimulate investigators to develop systems of resource 
mapping which include satellite and/or airborne digital sensors. 
Such research will be carried out by Canadians from many different 
disciplines and institutions. We hope that the co-operation amongst 
all scientists in the study will continue to grow.

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