Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 2)

E is the Y source C color-matching function of 
the 1931 CIE chromaticity system 0 
IT is the internal transmittance of the film c 
The internal transmittance of the film is obtained by division of 
the target’s transmittance by that of fully exposed (clear) film. 
Table 2 presents the results of the color and dye density analy 
sis of each of the imaged targets as shown on the transparencies 
produced from photography at the three test altitudes of each 
flight« The results are presented in terms of the visual trans 
mittance (Y tristimulus value), the 1960 CIE-UCS u,v coordinates, 
the analytical density of the yellow, magenta and cyan dye layers, 
and the Munsell renotation color (Newhall et aJL., 1943). The 
two-dimensional chromaticness of the imaged objects is shown on 
the 1960 CIE-UCS diagram (Figure 3). For both Table 2 and Fig 
ure 3, the identification coding is as follows: 
Prefix letter: 
Suffix letters: 
Suffix numeral: 
A = June flight 
B = September flight 
1,5 = 1,500 feet altitude above 
6,0 = 6,000 feet altitude above 
15,0 = 15,000 feet altitude above 
R = Red target 
G = Green target 
W = White target 
1 = first color determination 
2 = repeated color determination 
3 = color determination of same 
target but as shown on an 
adjacent photo in the same 
flight line.

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