& - Xg) 1 is the transpose of the above vector
Figure 3. 1960 CIE-UCS u, v target coordinates indicate color shifts associated with flight altitude
and relative exposure.
The spectral transmittance of the white target is so nearly the
same as that of the "clear” film that the usual procedure of
obtaining internal transmittance as the basis for all subsequent
calculations could not be followed» As a result of using the
higher transmittance distribution of air as the divisor in place
of the lower transmittance distribution of "clear” film, the
Table 2 and Figure 3 entries for the white target do not have
the same reference base as the red and green targets. There
fore, the resultant visual transmittance, Y, for the white target
is shown as being much less than the near 100 percent that would
result from the conventional methods of calculation.
In Table 2, the visual transmittance, Y, and the analytical den
sities are boxed with a dashed line to indicate that the values
are not comparable to the values for the red or green target as
noted previously. The 1960 CIE-UCS u,v coordinates listed for
white are closely comparable to those listed for red and green
targets as the color of the clear film used as the divisor to
obtain internal transmittance for the red and green targets is
fairly near the coordinates for standard source C light, thus
indicating little film stain.
Mahalanobis’ D Critical Value
The 1960 CIE-UCS u,v diagram produces two variable data from
three variable measurements. Therefore, a multivariate form of
the ’t’ test must be used for statistical comparisons of target
Hotelling T s T is the multivariate form of the univariate ’t’
test (Morrison, 1967). To maintain a distance analogy, the
Mahalanobis* D 2 distance between multivariate images was calcu
lated and by using the relationship between Hotelling’s T 2
and Mahalanobis’ D 2 , critical limit values for the significance
of a test comparison were set in terms of Mahalanobis’ D 2 .
The Mahalanobis’ D 2 distance is given by the following formula
where prior probabilities are equal, a pooled variance-covariance
metric is used and equal sample sizes are employed as was done
in the comparisons made in this study.
D 2 = (X 1 - X 2 )' S" 1 (X x - X 2 )
where: (X., - X^) is the difference vector between the two
mean vectors being compared