Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 2)

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flight showed a similar imaged target color shift trend associat 
ed with increasing altitude (Table 2). 
Imaged Green Target 
The color shift for the green target, which appears dark blue on 
the infrared transparency also is toward the blue-green. Refer 
ence to Figure 3 shows that the imaged green target’s color is 
fairly similar, altitude for altitude, on the two flight dates 
except for the 6,000 feet photography. The greater normalized 
relative reflectance of the 6,000 feet September flight caused a 
red color shift which is registered in Munsell renotation as a 
hue shift from 7.5 PB to 10 o 0 PB (Table 2). The greater normal 
ized relative reflectance at the time of the September 6,000 feet 
pass coupled with the added exposure from scattering brought 
about a lower density in all three dye layers and a corresponding 
higher visual transmittance. For this dark colored image, part 
of the color shift was in terms of increased lightness (Munsell 
value 1.6 to 2.6). 
Imaged White Target 
Color analysis of the imaged white target, while indicating the 
least absolute magnitude of color difference, still showed all 
imaged targets of different flight date-altitude combinations 
to be significantly different except for A 1,5 W1 vs B 1,5 Wl, 
images of the white target on the 1,500 feet flight of the June 
and September flight. With the exception of the red color shift 
associated with the assumed greater reflectance for the Septem 
ber 6,000 feet pass, the color shifts associated with increasing 
altitude is once again toward the blue-green. 
Conclusion on Color Shifts 
For the color infrared transparencies used in this study a blue- 
green color shift is associated with increasing flight altitude 
when the relative duration of film exposure is reduced for in 
creased altitudes according to aerial film exposure rules (Kodak, 
1970). Images of low reflecting scenes are more affected by 
atmospheric haze than highly reflecting scenes because haze light 
contributes a greater portion of the total radiance for low 
reflecting scenes (Ross, 1973) c This is apparent in the greater 
magnitude of the color shift associated with altitudinal changes 
for the low reflecting green target in comparison to the red and 
white targets. 
Over-exposures at one flight altitude relative to the prescribed 
exposure at other altitudes cause scene reflectance dependent 
color shifts that are difficult to predict without ground reflect 
ance data and sensitometric film information.

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