Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 2)

conversion of slant range into ground range for a specific depression angle 
(fig. 2). 
Fig. 1 
Relation slant range - ground range 
Now let us consider the relation between shadow length and height of an object. 
For a vertical object A-B (fig. 3) of height h, located on a horizontal plain, the 
top of the object A will appear in Ag for an image in ground range representation 
and in A for slant range representation. The base B will appear respectively in 
B and in Bs. The displacement of A and B is a result of lay-over. The shadow 
length in slant range representation is Ss and in ground range representation Sg 
for the vertical object A-B. Reflection of the object itself is depicted between 
A-Bs and Ag-B respectively in slant and ground range representation. 
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Fig. 3 
Shadow length for a vertical object in slant range (Ss) and 
ground range (Sg) representation

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