very large. Moreover the complement of the depression angle becomes smaller
and many topographic slopes will be steeper so that equation 4 cannot be used
any more for height determination, and heights will be somewhere between the
amount obtained by equation 2 and 4, dependent on topographic slope. Fig. 5b
gives similar curves now for a fixed height difference and variable shadow
length and depression angle.
Another draw back for height measurements is that we always measure the
relative height difference between the highest point where the shadow starts, to
a point, in most cases not on a basal plain, but somewhere on a topographic slope
where the shadow ends. For reasons pointed out above, relative height measure
ments from shadow length in single strip imagery is of restricted value for inter
pretation purposes.
LEWIS & WAITE (1973) have used radar shadow frequency for determining general
terrain slope information of the backslopes. This is possible for medium to high
relief areas where the landform must be homogeneous over the entire range of the
image or where multiple coverage is obtained.
Measurements from stereo SLAR imagery
SLAR imagery may be viewed stereoscopically when strips are flown with a cer
tain overlap. When using two overlapping strips with opposite scan directions it
appears impossible to fuse the images and to obtain a true three dimensional
picture. The opposite shadows make this impossible. On the other hand, when
using one negative and one positive with opposite shadow working it is possible
to obtain a stereo effect. For two consecutive overlapping strips flown under the
same scan direction, stereo imagery may be obtained from two positive prints.
For a vertical object we can calculate the height from the parallax difference,
making an approximation by considering the wave front as straight instead of
spherical (McCOY, 1967). For the far range this approximation is not very serious.
From fig. 6 the following equation can be derived for stereo imagery with same
scan direction and ground range representation:
P 2 - P x = AP = h + tg0 2 - h tg0 ±
U - Ap
t S 0 2 -t S 0 1 °
in which AP is the parallax difference and Q and 0 2 are the smaller and the
larger depression angle respectively towards the top of the object.