Full text: Proceedings of an International Workshop on New Developments in Geographic Information Systems

Mitrovic Antonija 
Computer Science Department, University of Canterbury 
Christchurch, New Zealand 
Mitrovic Dejan 
Present address: Trimble Navigation 
Christchurch, New Zealand 
Djordjevic-Kajan Slobodanka 
Petkovic Milan 
Computer Science Department, University of Nis 
Nis, Yugoslavia 
This paper presents the underlying philosophy and design rationale of 
GinisNT ', a scalable, 00 framework for developing GIS applications. The 
fundamentals of GinisNT is an 00 data model and an 00 application 
development methodology. GinisNT 00 data model supports all impor 
tant concepts found in 00 theory and is actually implemented on top of 
the relational data model. GinisNT automatically maps between the two 
data models, thus making the usage of a RDBMS transparent to the user, 
who can concentrate on the application itself. While developing the user 
interface, we have taken into account existing knowledge and ways of han 
dling spatial data of our prospective users, so no training is needed for the 
users to start working with GinisNT. Furthermore, no additional funding 
is required also, as the framework is based on cheap hardware platforms 
and existing software infrastructure (RDBMS). GinisNT is currently un 
der development, as well as the first GIS application based on it, which 
is a telephone network maintenance system. We believe that the sound 
foundation of the framework will ensure fast development of high-quality 
GIS applications. 
‘Presented at the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing "Workshop on 
New Developments in Geographic Information Systems,” Milan, Italy. 6-8 March 1996.

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