Full text: Proceedings of an International Workshop on New Developments in Geographic Information Systems

The proposed algorithms contain functions for estimating drainage distribution and flow 
accumulation, and can be presented in the following tasks. The two algorithms are presented as The 
aspect based algorithm' and ‘the form based algorithm’. 
3.1.1 Estimation of drainage vectors based on the aspects values. 
Skidmore (1989) compared six commonly used methods to generate gradient and aspect from 
gridded DEM. He concluded that general linear regression models and the third-order finite difference 
methods were more accurate than methods based on maximum gradient drop, maximum gradient rise or 
second-ordered finite difference. Since the linear regression models are far more computing intensive, the 
third-order finite difference method was chosen for the applications. The first step in the algorithm, 
proposed by Horn (1981), is to calculate 
least one neighbour, in a 3 x 3 window, which has a lower elevation value than the centre cell are 
examined. The remaining cells, such as sinks or cells on flat areas, are flagged and then treated 
separately. The aspect estimation of the flagged cells are done by vector addition of the aspect vectors 
from the surrounding cells. Firstly, all flagged cells with eight neighbours with defined aspect values, e.g. 
single sinks, are examined. The eight vectors are summed and the resulting vector is set to be the aspect 
of the flagged cell. Then all flagged cells with seven neighbours with defined aspect values are 
examined, and so on, until all the cells in the DEM have got a defined aspect value. 
( 1 ) 
( 2 ) 
where Z[j denotes the centre cell (pixel) of a 3 x 3 moving window located at the zth row andyth 
column; DX denotes the distance between points in the horizontal direction; and D Y is the distance in 
vertical direction (in our case; DX= D7= cell size). 
The aspect (A) is then defined as 
dz / dx 
( 3 ) 
Aspect values are calculated for the cells in DEM using the above equation. Only cells with at

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