Fig. 5: Menu for attribute information of MERAKA
At the beginning MERAKA is mainly a tool for the GIS administration unit to send quickly
layers to coworkers with a documentation of the used data. On the long run it is intended that
for all mapmakers the documentation is part of the evaluation itself. To ensure that all scientists
can benefit from the documentation now the generation of web pages for the retrieval has star
ted. It is expected that such a retrieval system leads to closer contact between the scientists
working in the FAM project.
The scientific activities of the Research Network „Forschungsverbund Agrarökosysteme Mün
chen” (FAM) are financially supported by the Federal Ministry of Education. Science, Re
search and Technology (BMBF 0339370). Rent and operating expenses of the experimental
fam „Klostergur Scheyern“ are paid by the Bavarian State Ministry for Education and Culture,
Science and Art.