Full text: The role of models in automated scene analysis

Boyer - 7 
• The evolution of perceptual organization in biological vision sys 
tems, and it’s necessity in advanced computer vision systems, fol 
lows from the characterization of vision as an intelligent process. 
This is particularly so for high order organisms and, analogically, 
for more sophisticated computational models. 
• Perceptual organization is pervasive in both biological and ma 
chine vision systems, appearing in different guises according to 
the system context. 
• The sophistication of a vision system, as a whole, lies in the 
sophistication of its perceptual organization processes. 
— In biological systems, appropriate to the ambulatory and rea 
soning capabilities of the organism. 
— In machine vision, appropriate to the chosen problem do 
• It is the recognition, development, and exploitation of perceptual 
organization concepts, nlodels, paradigms, and computational re 
sources that will bring intelligence to vision systems. 
• Perceptual organization allows us to assign computational re 
sources intelligently - also important for biological systems be 
cause this corresponds to evolutionarily expensive, delicate tissue.

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