Full text: The role of models in automated scene analysis

Boyer -18 
Construction of the Gestalt Graphs: Voting Methods 
• Our problem is to find all pairs of tokens satisfying some com 
patibility relation, 7 Z, defining the links of the graph. 
notice that: 
The compatibility relation is function of a set of attributes, 
^1 ? * * * i &n* 
The relation can be expressed in the following form: 
71 = {(M;)IM*,-,*;>•) < Ai)A(a 2 (tutj) < A 2 )A- • -A(a n (t u tj) < A n )} 
• We 
1 . 
2 . 
• Exploiting these we construct an n dimensional spaces spanned 
by the attributes. A token with certain attributes will be a point 
in the space. In this space we let each token vote for all points 
which are compatible with it. Intersection of votes define the 
links of our Gestalt graph.

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