Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

In diesem Berioht wurden die teohnisohen Daten die vom Charakter 
der Kartenbearbeitung abhängig sind erörtert« Es wurden folgende 
Probleme dargestellti 
- das Prinzip der Konstruktion örthophotografiesoher Instrumente, 
~ Anwendung der Instrumente bei der Kartenbearbeitung, 
- Genauigkeitsforderungen der Ortophotokarten* 
Ausserdem wurden folgende äkonomisohe Parameter der Orthophoto- 
karten ero M rtert t 
1 « Introduction 
All methods of maps compilation and measurement execution 
create technical, financial and economical problems* This is 
extremely significant in orthophoto technique* The cost of 
orthophotomap production is a factor whioh in reality makes 
this method different from other technologies used at present* 
The cost is directly connected with instrumentation and the 
speed of operation* However, the expenses for photogrammetrio 
field works are similar in all methods - when the same kind of 
aerial photographs is considered* But the cost of the remaining 
photogrammetric work is different and depends on the instru 
mentation used, the length of time involved in performing 
this wçrk, productivity of the staff and performance of 
2* Technical data conditioned by the quality of map compilatio n. 
Economical aspect in orthophotography [1] is connected with 
the instruments adaptation to the quality and range of map 
production* Several factors will have influence in this case* 
The first is conditioned by assumptions concerning 
construction principles of orthophoto instrumentation* 
It is well-known that the stereoscopic terrain model is the 
base for the measurements when photographs are concerned* 
This stereoscopic model can be reconstructed in an analogue 
or analytical way* Both methods are now parallelly used* 
Taking into consideration that the analytical solution will 
be the best in the future we have to remember about commonly 
used analogue plotters* Therefore, the builders of orthophoto 
instruments are obliged to design the orthophoto countershafts 
for these plotters* Analytical solutions are till now limited 
by the comparatively high price of analytical plotters* 
The way of photographic picture rectification into orthophoto 
has a fundamental influence on the device construction* 
Optical rectification is now in common use, however electronic 
systems for transportation and transformation of the picture 
are in successful development* The question of the width of 
rectified strips in optical rectification or size of analyzed 
elementary surfaces in electronic systems is here combined* 

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