Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

Working Group-3 was organized for the purpose of carrying 
out the objectives of this resolution. A committee for 
Working Group 3 was appointed and consisted of Dr. Paul R. Wolf, 
Chairman, (USA)? Dr. M.J. Pietschner (GDR): Dr. M. Serge Paul, 
(France)? Prof. J.A. Szorenyi (Australia): and Prof. Paul 
Louis Baetsle (Belgium). 
II. Proposed Schedule of Activities 
Soon after the Helsinki meeting the Committee of 
Working Group 3 proposed the following schedule of activities 
in order to achieve the objective of producing a tri-lingual 
(English-German-French) glossary of photogrammetric terms: 
1. That in attaining the goal of the presentation of 
a tri-lingual glossary of terms to t^he XIV Congress, 
it is proposed that the English Glossary of 
Photogrammetry Terms now being prepared by the 
American Society of Photogrammetry, for inclusion 
in the 4th Edition of the Manual of Photogrammetry , 
become the substance of a "working document" for 
ISP Working Group-3. 
2. That the American Society of Photogrammetry 1 s Board 
of Direction be petitioned to give its approval 
for such use of these materials. 
3. That upon completion of the draft of ASP terms, a 
copy of these drafts be sent to each of the members 
of Working Group-3. 
4. That these committee members each carefully review 
this draft, making necessary changes, additions 
and corrections.

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