2*1. The control of geometrical features of engineer
ing constructions
The main purpose of phot ogr amine trie measurements
within this group of aplications is the determination of
either the actual shape of the constructions or the
deviation from theoretical assumption. On the base
of photogrammetrie results the endurance tests may be
established. As examples, the measurement of trussing
of a metallurgie workshop and the bearer construction
of spherical dome of theater hall and the determina
tion of the gauge of ladle crane in foundry will be
presented /7/, / 6 /. In the first example, the shape
of 110 lattice girders were determined by numerical
elaboration on the universal autograph with the accu
racy - 5 mm.
The photographs of targeted girders were taken by a
UMK Zeiss camera* In the second example, the determina
tion of the shape of construction W as based on the
measurement of a large number of points and stereoscopic
effect were used for their identification. The geode
tic measurement was not possible because of unsteady
station of a theodolit. In the third example, the
vibration and refraction of air in the foundry caused
by high temperature made impossible other measurement
than photogrammetric. The advantages of the utiliza
tion of photogrammetry in these experiments are:
- the short time of measurement prevents any distur
bance of the production process,
-the possibility of recording large number of points
allows to determine the correct shape of construction,
- the possibility of measurement of objects located
in the hot places where geodetical or physical me
thods can not be used.
2 . 2 . The control of construction during their explo
This group of engineering applications involves
tasks in which the changes of constructions caused by