static and dynamic weights / 5 /, /5/* All states of
the targeted crane and of the control points
/outside the crane/ were taken by highly convergent
photographs. Spatial components of the deformation
vectors were obtained by the comparison of the
coordinates of the object points computed before
and after loading the crane with the accuracy ca
1-2 mm.
The dynamical deformations of crane were obtained-
on the base of photographs which were taken at
night by a film camera fastened to the arm of crane*
The light points were targeted on crane and the
plane components of deformations in function of
time were determined by single-photograph method
/with the accuracy ca - 2 cm/i
b/ the examination of prototype of the device for
spraying dustry fertilizers from the plane
/ 10 /. The speed of the displacements of'some grains
.in a one-meter distance from the opening of the
nozzle of device was measured* The photographs were
taken at night by a stereometric camera* The object
was illuminated by double flash lights and the
second light was 1/2000 sec later. In This way» two
successive images of the same displaced grain were
registered on the same photograph. The time
between the fi as kes of light was known and
displacements of the grains were measured on the
autograph. The initial velocity of dusty fertilizers
were from 6 to 40 m/sec»
c/ the determination of the density and geometry of
current of chemical powder pulverized from the^
fire extinguisher. The successive phases of
pulverized powder were taken by a nonmetric camera
and then each photograph to the vertical plane
was rectified*
As it appersi the photogrammetric methods are
the best for the precise examination of the proto
types. As evidence of this it is euough to mention