Finally a few remarks on the situation in the companies*
Polish legislation favors inventions and utilization of new
methods* All employees of company are concerned in the utili
zation, from the executive director to utilizing team, inclu
ding the inventor himself* It seems, however, that more atten
tion should be paid to completeness, scrupulosity and qualifi
cations of the supervisors and the controling people* The
consequences of utilization of not fully valuable methods on
the basis of favourable but rushed opinions give not onlyheavy
material loss, but weaken also reliance on the engineering
photogrammetry in general* We shouldn t utilize engineering
photogrammetry "at any price" , - a work should be done using
most convenient economical technology or method* In many cases
most convenient will be photogr&rnmetry method complemented
"by geodesy or vice versa*
The proper functioning of photogrammetrie labs requires certain
organizational patterns* In geodetic teams such patterns exist
for several years* Their automatic application to photogram-
metric teams can not give good results* The cooperation among
the pilot - companies of engineering photogrammetry could be
very convenient here* The companies could be designated by
technical universities or adequate commissions of Polish
Society of Photogrammetry*
The remarks presented above do not close up the problem,and
may not be the most accurate* I hope, hov/ever, that the Polish
experiences and my suggestions can appear useful in Poland
and, may be, also abroad* If this presentation raises the
discussion, its conclusions may make our way to the v/ide
utilization of engineering photogrammetry in Poland easier*