Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

The above discussed scope and sort of architectural inventory 
is the essence of measurements, which can be performed by 
different methods* 
2* Short descriptions technology used in architectural 
photo gramme t ry 
Architectural photogrammetry covers photogrammetrical applications 
in architecture, town-planning and historic monuments preserva 
tion* It is based mainly on terrestrial photogrammetry methods 
and serves for the compilation of. inventory documentation which 
should present the trully existing space system as well as the 
technical and functional structure of architectural monuments 
and architectural details* This documentation should present also 
the state of preservation of inventoried objects and is composed 
of maps photomaphs and drowings of elevations, frontages, 
vertical and horizontal cross-sections as well as surfaces of 
the roofs* 
Photagrammetric survey in this case giving objective record of 
present state of the monument and gathering necessery data for 
planning ofrestoration purposes is a soyrce of valuable infor 
mation for critical-historical analysis. 
Technologies used in architectural photogrammetry depend on the 
equipment available for field and office work. Technology is also 
related to such problems a 3 definition of results wonted, plotting 
scale chosen for presentation, and at times also the accuracy of 
the results. 
In most cases plotting scale is chosen equal 1:50, but scales 
1:100 1:200 are also used• Very often two scales are used. 
Scale 1:50 for detailed work and scale 1:100 /or 1:200/ for 
review purposes. The documentation at the last scale i 3 prepared 
by reducing original plottings from scale 1:50. When details 
of monuments are presented, the scales 1 : 5 , 1 : 10 , 1:25 can be 
also applied. 
The accuracy is in the same range as the graphic errors, that 
is a few centimetres in the object for plotting scale 1:50 the 
accuracy should be in the standard error equal to + 3 cm on the 
Presentation of photogrammetrie results can be done in three 
basic ways: graphical or and photographical or numerical* 
Graphical representation is chosen mostly for vertical and 
horizontal cross-sections* For presentation of elevations and 
frontages photographical way is used /photomaps or orthophotc- 
maps/* However for simple cases also graphical presentation is 
adequate* Numerical way is used occasionally /for measuring of 
control points/* 
The available nguipment has a major influence on methods and 
technologies applied to architectural photogrammetry. This 
equipment determin possibility of photogrammetrie methods and 
the range of survey and documentation. We can consider however

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