Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

This present symposium is to be an important milestone on the 
way leading to the success of the Hamburg Congress. It is my duty and 
great pleasure, on behalf of the whole Council, whose 50 c /o are present 
here, to thank Prof. Zbignew Sitok and Dr. Josef Jachimski for the 
important work they have carried on to create and animate the Commis 
sion^ working groups, to prepare and hold the present symposium, the 
success of which being a real guarantee for the success of the 1980 
Congress. We thank you for every mark of friendship that we have 
received here and that I feel sure we shall receive from our Polish 
colleagues all along the symposium. 
We also thank very heartily the Polish Society of Geodesy, the 
Polish Society of Photogrammetry and the Technical University of 
Krakow for their support. 
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for your kind attention. 
Krakow, August 8, 1978 

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