more explicitly than before their operational technologies
and operation-technological objectives to the instrument
manufacturing industry . In the photogrammetric instrument
manufacturing industry we find for some time photogramme-
trists in great number (inclusive of those with university
education). In the instrument manufacturing industry with a
more or less cartographic orientation no cartographers are
likely to be found yet.
How disadvantageous it can be if the importance of an idea re
garding a new operational procedure is not recognized or is
falsely judged by the instrument manufacturing industry shows,
for instance, the orthophoto method of photogrammetry. As early
as 1929, 0. LACMANN constructed in Berlin a rectifier for non
flat terrain functioning according to the strip method, but only
in 1955 the significance of this idea was pointed out to the
instrument manufacturers by R. BEAN/USA which then led in vari
ous countries to the development of numerous orthoprojector
types functioning according to the strip method. This means
that for 25.years a scientifically outstanding and economically
significant idea remained unexploited !
If there were no orthoprojectors it would be doubtful whether
there existed in the Federal Republic of Germany, for instance,
a series of photomaps 1:25,000 (about 2,000 sheets) covering
the entire country or more than 7,000 sheets of a photomap se
ries 1:5,000 (which are also revised at a 4-6 year cycle); it
would also be questionable whether Belgium disposed of a photo
map series 1:10,000 covering all of the country or whether Aus
tria would start producing a photomap series 10,000 also cover
ing the entire country.
This example clearly shows the importance of instrumental de
velopments for the application of photogrammetric and cartog
raphic findings and procedures. There are further examples to
prove this such as the development of coordinate recording in
struments for photogrammetry or the development of the afore
mentioned plotters for cartography. One just imagine how little
attractive the photogrammetric coordinate measurement would be