metry. The other main training effort is at the Technician or
Auxilliary staff level. Here training is mainly directed towa
rds the production of operators.
At the Technologist level, only two states namely Nigeria
and Kenya have institutions that conduct photogrammetrie cour
ses - the E.C.A. training centre and the polytechnic. These
are by no means adequate. /
Table II reveals that most of the photogrammetrio courses
conducted in the Universities are in the faculty of Engineering
but in the Department or School of Surveying. Most of the tech
nician training is in the various Survey Departments. Very few
education is conducted in Photo Interpretation and Remote Sen
sing as of now in Africa. Knowledge in Remote Sensing and Pho
tointerpretation is gained outside Africa in places like I.T.C.
and other similar institutions. There is no control and co-or-
• ' V' ' ■
dination in this regard as yet. The needs is therefore seen
for a well coordinated programme of training in remote sensing
and photo-interpretation.
4« Conclusion
Thi3 interim report shows the very inadequate situation
of photogrammetric education in Africa. Urgent action to impro
ve upon this is indicated. The study is still in progress and
a fuller report will be presented at the next Congress in
Hamgurg by 1980.