L. s; d,
Cycloidal lever, see Emerson’s Mechanics, prop.
20, 25.
Compound steelyard
An apparatus for experiments on collision
Ditto for illustrating the composition and resolu
tion of motion
Pyrometers on various constructions
With many other articles and models for expe
riments on friction, pendulums, etc. too nu
merous to be comprized in a small catalogue
Instruments for Experiments in Hydrostatics and
Hydrostatic ballances/ from 2!. 2s. to — IO 10 O
Nicholson’s improved hydrometers, for ascertain
ing the specific gravity of bodies
Ditto for examining of coin
A concise apparatus for experiments on hydrosta
tics — — 21 IO o
An apparatus for shewing that fluids have weight
Ditto for shewing that the particles of fluids exer
cise their pressure independently one of the
Ditto to shew that fluids press in every direction
Ditto to demonstrate the lateral pressure of fluids
Ditto to shew that, caeteris paribus, the pressure of
fluids is as their perpendicular height
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