records are kept of all aerial photographs that are made in that country
for all purposes.
4. Commission VII of the I.S.P. meeting at Delft, September 1962, welcomes
the collection, by several groups of workers, of specimen air photographs
annotated to show the appearance or diagnostic features of soils, vegetation,
land use etc. Such collections are of great value in assisting the study of
analogous areas. For this purpose it is most desirable that the geology,
climate, general physiography and as many other environmental features
as possible of the areas covered by the specimen photographs, as well as
all photographic data be adequately indicated and described.
5. The participants of the Symposium on Photo Interpretation of Commission
VII of the I.S.P., Delft, Netherlands, 1962, agree that it is of importance
that in other scientific unions work on photo interpretation will also be
organized, but to avoid duplication it is stressed that the study of the method
of photo interpretation is the special subject of Commission VII, I.S.P.
6. Commission VII I.S.P. expresses the desirability of further research on the
applicability of special types of photography and the use in mountainous
terrain of horizontal and low oblique photographs taken from helicopters.
7. * Commission VII of the International Society for Photogrammetry in the
closing session of the 1962 Symposium on Photo Interpretation decides
that the main theme of the Commission during the Lisbon Congress 1964
of the I.S.P. will be:
Commission VII will concentrate its main efforts during the period
1962-1964 on this subject and the President of the Commission will coor
dinate the results of these activities for representation at the Lisbon Con
*) Resolution 7 was drawn up in view of the policy of the I.S.P. to invite each Commission to
select for itself one or more subjects which will form the principal focus of its attention at the
next Congress. Contributions are to be invited on these subjects and published in advance of
this Congress. The resolution is not intended to prevent the submission of papers on other
subjects which can provide a valuable written contribution to the Archives. Some of these
may be called for discussion by the Commission President, particularly if they relate to the
main theme or if they display some valuable new departure in photo interpretation. The aim
of the resolution is to concentrate the efforts of the Commission during the period 1962—1964,
so as to achieve the best possible contribution to the 1964 I.S.P. Congress.