Full text: Transactions of the Symposium on Photo Interpretation

Fig. 3. 
Stereopair - 
Faulting in me 
near Mahfid, 
Aden Protec 
Three faults (1, 
2 and 3) are an 
notated but close 
inspection may 
reveal others. 
Notice the per 
sistence with 
which the ridges, 
(4, 5 and 6) pre 
serve their iden 
tity, until termi 
nated by the 
faults. If doubt 
were felt as to 
whether such 
ridges represent 
ed distinct lithological horizons, it should be dispelled by the constancy of tone of particular 
ridges and the dissimilarity of tone between different ridges. This is as near as one is likely 
to get to a proof that in metasedimentary areas the ridges represent the trace of the strike on 
the surface of the ground. 
Folding within the metasediments can be clearly seen at 7, 8, 9 and 10 and can be postulated 
at 11. 
In areas where lithological horizons are clearly defined, it is sometimes possible, even to indic 
ate the direction and amount of the apparent displacement of faults.

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