-radar measurements
sts for film images,
ave created real time
lodel. An equivalent
;es must be based on
kR an initial step has
opic. Most efforts
ulation of raw SAR
i the help of existing
rhis approach differs
)-called SAR-product
et al. (1986). For
: product simulation
ad "geo-coding" are
There is no need to
n dealing with SAR.
urlander (1986) and
the system that is
tional and has been
x 8000 pixels.
has so far not been
ty as part of "geo-
ts of terrain slopes
t non-similar images
of individual images,
mly now becoming a
and height data from
tereo plotter and not
t-up or SAR mono
id to be available to
by interfacing SAR-
al data input systems
images from various
airborne ESA SAR-
t-B as well as other
ting analogue/digital
95000 color display
re yet with analogue
:rn DSR-11.
Seasat exploitation
;ading to ice motion
982). Seasat images
s (Raggam, 1985).
iometric rectification
nd for the extraction
1, submitted).
ate radargrammetric
gery. The attention
1986a,b), and on the
1., 1986).
was the subject of
i sets were examined
in Laboratory (JPL)
om ESA’s SAR-580
ware components to
vidual or overlapping
e components into a
is tools and discusses
sntation status by the
lational field. It is
argued that an integrated system for SAR image exploitation is needed.
Such system can support the various up-coming satellite SAR missions
such as NASA’s SIR-C, Magellan to planet Venus and EOS; ESA’s
ERS-1 and follow on; Japan’s ERS-1; and it can support the use of
digital aircraft SAR, such as from JPL and other sources.
Work on the SAR-processing components has been sponsored by
various agencies and contracts, including the European Space Agency
and Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Similarly the current transfer into a
more operational mode is again encouraged and sponsored by the
same parties. This support is greatly appreciated.
Autometric, (1982) "Program Documentation for Analytical Mapping
System Radar Model," Prepared by Autometric, Inc., Falls Church
for USA Engineer Topographic Laboratory, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia, 36
Curlander, J. (1986) "A Post-Processing System for Automated
Generation of Geocoded SAR Imagery," Proceedings of the 2nd
Spaceborne Imaging Radar Symposium. Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
Domik G. (1984a) "Evaluation of Radar Stereo Viewability by Means
of a Simulation Technique," IGARSS 84, ESA-SP-215, pp. 643-646.
Domik, G., M. Kobrick and F. Leberl (1984b) "Analyse von
Radarbildern mittels Digitaler Hohenmodelle," Bildmessung und
Luftbildwesen, 52(5): 249-263.
Domik, G., F. Leberl, J. Cimino (1986) "Multiple Incidence Angle
SIR-B Experiment over Argentina: Generation of Secondary Image
Products," IEEE Trans. Geoscience Remote Sensing, Vol. 24, No.
Fullerton K., F. Leberl, R. Marque (in print) "Opposite Side SAR
Image Processing for Stereo Viewing," Photogrammetric Eng. and
Remote Sensing.
Guindon, B. et al. (1980) "Relief Effects and the Use of Terrain
Models in SAR Image Processing," Proc. 3rd Seasat-SAR Workshop
on SAR Image Quality, Italy, pp. 89-92.
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with Shuttle Imaging Radar,” Manuscript, Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
Pasadena, California.
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Imagery," Oesterr. Zeitschrift fuer Vermessungswesen und
Photogrammetrie, No. 2, pp. 43-61.
Leberl, F., J. Raggam, C. Elachi, and W.J. Campbell (1983) "Sea
Ice Motion Measurements from SEASAT SAR Images," Journal of
Geophysical Research, 88 (c3): 1915-1928.
Leberl, F., G. Domik, J. Raggam, J. Cimino, M. Kobrick (1986a)
"Multiple Incidence Angle SIR-B Experiment Over Argentina:
Stereo-Radargrammetric Analysis," IEEE Trans. Geoscience Remote
Leberl, F., G. Domik, J. Raggam, M. Kobrick (1986b) "Radar
Stereomapping Techniques and Application to SIR-B Images of Mt.
Shasta," IEEE Trans. Geoscience Remote Sensing.
Naraghi, M., W. Stromberg and M. Daily (1983) "Geometric
Rectification of Radar Imagery Using a Digital Elevation Model."
Photogr. Eng. and Remote Sensing, Vol. 49, pp. 195-200.
Norvelle, F.R. (1972) "AS-ll-A Radar Program," Photogramm.
Raggam, J., F. Leberl (1984) "SMART-A Program for Radar Stereo
Mapping on the Kern DSR-1," Proc., Ann. Conv. of the Am. Soc.
of Photogrammetry, pp. 765-773.
Raggam, J. (1985) "Untersuchungen und Entwicklungen zur
Stereoradargrammetrie," Dissertation, Techn. Univ. Graz, Austria,
152 pages.
Smith, D., N. Veck, J. Macklin, A. Luscombe (1984) "SAR
Simulation Concept and Tools—Final Report," Report by MSDS
Research Lab., Marconi Research Centre, Chelmsford, Essex, to ESA
under Contract 5430/83/GP-I.