Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

s made of SIR-B 
at Camera (LFC) 
the radar data 
ly of the same 
ndex components 
lution: 29.4 m 
tion : 17.8 m 
rther advantage 
can be observed 
notographs, in 
interpretation . 
iring the 17th 
take 097.5 on 
:nce angle was 
contrast with 
ata were avail- 
area are the 
of the Lower- 
(Vail, 1979), 
0) as Kashebib 
:asionally con- 
lated with the 
eastern desert 
high relief. A 
is visible on 
ne of the out- 
os is slightly 
and basic rock 
jpwards by the 
.sting of meta- 
lcanites. They 
age with occa- 
:inites. Hashad 
the basis of 
similar rock 
is are well re- 
jes as a result 
' aligned meta- 
>r these rocks. 
and intricate 
The ultramafic 
at MSS and LFC 
insist of older 
thonalites and 
.Idly foliated, 
le metasedimen- 
granitoids are 
550 Ma for the 
.tic batholiths 
unger age (700 
i very subdued 
(Dixon, 1982). 
ind sheets and 
ie batholiths. 
e on the radar 
le MSS and LFC

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