Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

from the nadir-direction. The effect of this can be 
ing azimuthal an increase up to 25% in the measured radiation in 
the infrared band, where the measured radiation in 
the visible part of the spectrum is influenced hardly 
under most circumstances. It is obvious that this 
cients of the effect may not be neglected. 
properties in 
properties of 
of reflection 
imation of the 
When the 
is used, crop 
ical behaviour 
these errors, 
stead of the 
ortance of the 
uence of the 
haviour of the 
of possible 
Figure 8. Vegetation index VI derived from the data 
in figure 7 and the relation between VI and 
coverage as computed for the nadir direction. 
To cope with this problem, usually the pixel-values 
are corrected by means of a quadratic equation. When 
crops with different properties show a uniformly 
distribution pattern over the observed area, this 
correction is shown to work quite well, but when 
gradients occur in the observed area, the correction 
primarily corrects for the gradient itself rather 
than for the differences in radiation caused by the 
observation geometry. 
ion of cover 
ch differ in 
eg., the leaf 
spherical, the 
ed by crop and 
ion introduces 
e. When an 
i platform, the 
is 45 degrees 
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Chen Jialin, 1984. Mathematical analysis and 
simulation of crop micrometeorology (PhD thesis). 
Wageningen: Agricultural University. 
Goudriaan, J., 1977. Crop micrometeorology: a 
simulation study (PhD thesis). Wageningen: Pudoc. 
Kuebelka, P. & F. Munk, 1931. Ein Beitrag zur Optik 
der Farbanstriche. Techn. Physik 11:593-601. 
Penning de Vries, F.W.T. & H.H. van Laar (eds.), 
1982. Simulation of plant growth and crop 
production. Wageningen: Pudoc. 
Suits, G.H., 1972. The calculation of the 
directional reflectance of a vegetative canopy. R. 
S. of Env. 2:117-125. 
Wit, C.T., 1965. Photosynthesis of leaf canopies. 
Agric. Res. Rep. 663:1-57. Wageningen: Pudoc. 
l direction on 
•d and infrared 
the LAI.

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