dicative of the incomplete system training*
During the segmentation of the image into
the indicated classes all the pixels are
painted in colours corresponding to the ide
ntified classes* After that automatic conto
uring of regions with similar colours is do
ne* The obtained contour network is the so
urce material for the further processing
when the thematic map of the land categori
es is compiled*
The application of the mentioned method
to space scanner photos makes it possible
to get the smoothed contours of the extrac
ted plots* If photographs obtained with the
MKF-6 camera are used, then as a result of
the more complicated and delicate texture
of the image the contours are very broken,
and the plots contain a lot of small inser
tions* The image becomes porous* To elimina
te pores the image texture is analysed and
the elements' area is determined* The thre
shold value of the area below which the plo
ts are considered outside insertions and must
be eliminated is established* The elimina
tion is done in the following way*
Each small plot is analysed element by e-
lement along the boundaries, and the element
class of the area adjacent to it is determi
ned* The pixel of the eliminated plot is
related to this area* In such a way all the
pixels of the eliminated plot, element by
element, are passed over to the neighbouring
areas* After the process is over all the co
ntoured plots have the areas that are grea
ter than the threshold and do not contain
Of great interest is the estimate of the
correctness of going along the selected plo
ts contours* The difficulty of such an esti
mate lies in the fact that the real signifi
cance of areas and true contours are as a
rule unknown* That is why one has to resort
to indirect estimates* If we consider the
computer segmentation as a model of visual
segmentation done by the interpreter in the
course of contour photointerpretation, the
indirect assessment of the correctness of
the machine segmentation may be considered
as the adequacy of its visual segmentation*
The adequacy test was carried out by the
example of selecting contours of one and the
same stand class (pine stands) on the colour
synthesized MKF-6 space photograph* In this
test 10 specialists experienced in visual
interpretation of space photo6 did the pine
stands contouring independently* The conto
urs were entered into the display system*
The statistics of the variations between the
visual interpretation results characterizing
the unit were shown in the following way*
The image of the contoured region was consi
dered as a multitude of Q pixels equal in
number to the region's conventional area*
The contours deviation of the i-th and j-th
interpreters was determined by the formula:
ku^WL5i!., 00 ¡¿j
I dii
whereU,0 are the symbols of the multitudes
unification and intersection*
The experiment consisted of ten series by
which selective deviation dispersions cha
racterizing the differences between the vi
sual interpretation results were calculated*
By the Kochran criterion the hypothesis of
the series homogeneity is confirmed* Then
the dispersion of the machine contours devi
ations from all visual contours was calcula
ted, and the adequacy of the machine and vi
sual segmentation was established by the
dispersion ratio*
Another method of the contour-line extrac
tion on photos is used in case when a part
of lines is not depicted visually on photos*
These are administrative boundaries of plots
which do not coincide with natural borders,
boundaries of forest compartments differing
by mean values of the forest mensuration
indices: tree height, density, age, etc*,
different types or isolines: relief, lines
of equal reservoir depth, isotherms, etc*
Such is the case when forest management map-
cases are compiled by photos* For this pur
pose the method of the entering of contour
lines from the photo outline has been deve
All contour lines are first transferred
by the interpreter to the photograph in whi
te gouache in order to make up a photo out
line* Then the information from the photo
graph is automatically entered into the sys
tem together with the photo outline conto
urs* Tnese contour-lines extraction is done
with a special program package which reali
zes the method of the 'nonsharp* and 'logi
cal* masks*
In the 'nonsharp' mask method the positive
component of the difference between sharp
and nonsharp images is formed* It contains
more complete information about contour li
nes* The differential image multiplied by
the coefficient K is added to the source
image* The result is shown on the display
screen and may be corrected by means of cha
nging the value of K* The 'nonsharp' mask
favours the tone smoothing, and contour line
underlying and thinning*
The obtained image is further processed
by the 'logical' mask* It is a scanning win
dow of 3x3 in which the comparison of brigh
tness of the central pixel and pixels of the
neighbourhood with the level P and with each
other in accordance with the set logical
condition is done* When meeting the conditi
on the central element is marked which cor
responds to the extraction of the contour
line point*
It is an important stage of the contour net
work processing after its extraction* It is
meant for the elimination of the residual
defects in lines: breaks, thickening, thin
ning, unnecessary clusters, etc* The proces
sing is done on the basis of the analysis of
the image point neighbourhoods* The neighbo
urhood contents are indicative of the conto
ur defects class in the central point, that
is why on its basis the decision about the
marker sending and cleaning in the central
cell is taken* For each defects class defi
nite image points are set* Their neighbour
hoods must be analysed no matter marked or
unmarked they are* For example, to eliminate
breaks the neighbourhoods of cells in which
the contour (marker) is absent are analysed*
We shall call digital image cells in which
the neighbourhood is analysed the 'current
cells'* Let us consider the quite broad nei
ghbourhood of the current cell M * We shall
single out in it square ring-shaped zones
around M of 3x3, 5x5, 7x7, etc* The side of
the n-thzone equals to 2n+l elements of the
image* The total number of elements in the
n-th ring-shaped zone equals to (2n+l)4-4»
“8n* As eight binary elements make up one
byte, any n-th zone may be shown in a code
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