Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

Agricultural land 
Wood land 
Range land 
Figure 1. The location of Song-nen plain 
Figure 2. The land use of 3ong-nen Plain 
The interpretation marks of landsat images MSS as 
Agricultural land: most of agriculturalland were dis- 
trabuted on the second terrace and gentle slop of 
hills and for dry farming. It can identified by red 
brown,red, brown,darkbrown and yellow in different 
size square on the autumn false color composites. The 
paddy fields were more dark and always with blue tone 
near the rivers, lakes, and reservoirs on the same 
image.The permenent vegetable fields showed in red, 
magenta on the same image, and it was near cities and 
Rangeland: in the center part of Song-nen plain were 
covered by grass. The natural pasture land mostly 
were distrabuted in the edges of saline-alkali land 
or near villages. The interpretation marks were iden 
tified by light brown , yellow brown and brown color 
on the Oct. images of false color composites. The 
grassland were showed dark brown, red brown on the 
same image. Both natural pasture and grassland which 
was fine and even in density. 
Wood land: It occurs on the hilly areas of the Song- 
nen plain that located in the east part and north 
part of the plain. Tt can easily identified by their 
bright red color on the false color composites image 
which recorded in May and the shrubs were not as red 
as forest.lt showed in pinkccolor on the same image. 
Water areas: The main rivers in this region are the 
Song Hua river and the Nen Jiang river and their tri 
butaries. The total of number are nine. A hundreds of 
lakes and reservoirs, larges and smalls, are studed 
on this area. It can identified by dark blue, green 
blue, blue and grey blue on the false color composi 
tes images which, recorded in any season except winter 
The reed land were identified by bright red color 
nearby the water areas and marshland which recoded in 
June and July. 
Marsh land:always mixed with water and vagetation and 
sludge that were showed by dark brown, black brown 
on the false color composites which recorded in the 
September or October. 
Unutilization land: including bare rocks and waste 
land that identified by white, yellow,green,brown and 
red color mixed disorderly in the false color compo 
sites which recorded in July and September, their 
images were coarse in density. Both saline-alkali anc * 
sand land showed in white, light yellow . _.i and light 
grey color on false color composites in any season, 
but saline-alkali land were distrabuted in the low 
parts of the plain.and the sand land were not. 
The urban or built-up areas: It can identified by the 
light blue and grey blue color on the false color 
composites images which recorded in October. 
The areas of diffirent kind of land use: 
Through one year work, the natural resources distra- 
bution maps of Song-nen plain ( such as rangeland map 
woodland map,water areas map etc. ) and present land 
use map have been made. The agricultural land consti 
tuted about 61.53 % of the study area and the dry 
farming land constituted about 95.27 % ofthe agricul 
tural land and the paddy fields were 4.54 % of the 
agricultural land. The range land constitued about 
16.08 % of the total area. But 48.90% of the range 
land for natural pasture and the onathers for grass 
land. There are about 2.0 % of the plain that covered 
by water which can be used for fishing or other pur 
pose. About 8.37 % of the study area covered by forest 
st and shrubs only. The forests were about 62.50 % 
of the woodland and the shrubs lands were about 37.5 
% of the wood land.( Figure 2 ).

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