Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

jse studies re- 
i object heights 
ay of such heights 
{ photocoordinates 
p and repeat the 
y of the jobs per- 
apability with a 
ed which on command 
ly, Fig. 3) will 
ally incrementing 
ion, and photo X/Y 
nanent record, 
allows a permanent 
tation parameters 
i ground coordinates, 
nit adapting the 
alar printers. 
ti Transfer Buttons 
ater Interface) 
type serial I/O 
anning observation 
otocoordinates may 
anal, micro-, mini 
face. Three push- 
ck assembly to 
aguish between con- 
on of transfer. 
IP switches on the 
itches of computer 
computers may have 
ability. The 
selections enables 
dem. The VM is 
1 Equipment (DTE). 
quipment (DCE) may 
M I/O board. 
coordinate data to 
rement System (RMS) 
ansfer rate is as 
ween VM and computer 
PC/AT computer is 
been structured 
ols according to a 
data structure is 
erface to his own 
le lie computer, 
are has been im- 
eive either cali- 
om the VM and to 
as "filename.cal" 
or "filename.dat" respectively, on the RMS data disk. 
Such disk typically holds as much as 320 kBytes in 
as many as 420 individual files. Once stored, the 
data are available for editing and display, conver 
sion, analysis, printout, and plotting - all accord 
ing to menu queries. 
9 Data Editing, Conversion, Analysis and Display 
The stored data are contained on disk in a compact 
ASCII format. Editing allows the generation of 
readable and displayable orientation parameters or 
coordinate data for inspection and modification. 
Typically noisy data may be smoothed and duplications 
due to noise eliminated. Also, false data (due to 
operator error) may be deleted or changed. To assist 
in this effort planimetric X/Y data (contour lines) 
or profile data may be graphically displayed on the 
RMS CRT for editing purposes. 
Transferred X/Y coordinates are in VM photocoor 
dinates which may be converted into model and map 
coordinates by using the calibration data file con 
taining the parameters generated during relative and 
absolute orientation. Such conversions use well 
known principles (Albertz, 1980), (Moffitt, 1980), 
(Manual of Photogrammetry, 1980). 
Data analysis provides the measurement of areas 
and perimeters of polygons, of path lengths of lin 
ear features. 
Internal RMS file transformation opens up the use 
of RMS analysis routines of statistical analysis 
(mean, variances, std. deviations, kurtosis, skew, 
linear, multiple, and polynomial regression, linear/ 
logarithmic distributions, correlation analysis, 
ANOVA, etc.). 
10 Data Printout 
The data converted into map coordinates may be print 
ed out on the RMS printer for a permanent record 
relating observation numbers, height and elevation 
values with the corresponding X/Y map coordinates. 
The RMS provides printout of all data and parameters 
generated hy statistical analysis as well as displays 
of graphs. 
11 Data Plotting 
Planimetric X/Y data (Y map coordinate versus X map 
coordinate) as well as Ah/R (or h/R, i.e. height 
or elevation versus the diagonal, where R=SQR (X*X+ 
Y*Y) profile data may be plotted on the RMS plotter 
(DMP 40 or 50 series) at selectable scales and off 
sets. The data are coded with pen-up and pen-down 
information generated from the keyboard pushbuttons 
at the time of acquisition of the data. Plots are 
made on either paper or transparencies. They provide 
overlays useful for map revision. Another profile 
type plot may he plotting either height or elevation 
relative to the path length showing the terrain trav 
ersed by a moving vehicle, for example. 12 
12 Conclusion 
The combination of the VM module with the original 
Bausch & Lomb Stereo Zoom Transfer Scope adds 
measurement of the spot and object heights as well 
as measurement of terrain elevations to the stereo 
photograph to map transfer capability. The addition 
of a printer and an external microcomputer provides 
powerful systems capabilities to the Stereo ZTS at 
low capital cost combined with ease of operation and 
maintenance. The bulk of the additional capabilities 
is in high level software for the external computer 
rather than in hardware. Mating the Stereo ZTS VM 
with the Resource Measurement System (RMS) makes the 
RMS routines of data and statistical analysis avail 
able to the Stereo ZTS. Such additional capabilities 
provide for editing, display of data and feature 
outlines on a CRT, conversion of photocoordinates 
into map coordinates, computation of area, perimeter, 
path lengths, statistical analysis data, hard copy 
printout of X/Y/Z map coordinates, and plotting of 
planimetric and topographic detail on map overlays 
for map revision. 
13 Acknowledgments 
The contributions to the development of the Stereo 
ZTS VM module by Robert T. Shone who developed the 
basic concept and the mathematical foundations of 
the instrument and Kelly P. Cole who wrote the 
Assembly language software for the microprocessor 
are acknowledged. 
Albertz, J., W. Kreiling (eds.) 1980. Photogrammetric 
Guide, Third Edition. Herbert Wichmann Verlag, 
Burnside, C.D. 1979: Mapping from Aerial Photographs. 
John Wiley & Sons, New York. 
Hallert, B. 1960. Photogrammetry. McGraw Hill. 
Manual of Photogrammetry 1980. Fourth Edition. 
American Society of Photogrammetry. 
McGivern, R.F., et al 1972. Planimetric map revision 
with the Bausch & Lomb Zoom Transfer Scope. Pre 
sented Paper ACSM/ASP Joint Annual Meeting, 
Washington, D.C. 
Moffitt F.H., E.M. Mikhail 1980. Photogrammetry. 
Third Edition. Harper & Row Publishers. 
Trinder, J.C. 1986. Precision of Stereoscopic 
Height Measurements. Photogrammtric Engineering 
and Remote Sensing. Vol. 52, No. 1. January 1986, 
pp. 75-79. 
von Gruber, 0. 1924. Einfache-und Doppelpunktein- 
schaltung im Raume. 
Walker, A.S. 1984. A Review of Map Revision by 
Photogrammetry. Photogrammetric Record 11 (64): 
Weir, M.J.C. 1981. An Assessment of Simple Plotting 
Instruments for Resource Mapping. Paper presented 
at Remote Sensing Society, December 1981.

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