Mr Secretary General of the Ministry of Research and Technology
Mr Mayor of the City of Rhodes
Mr President and Council Members of the International Society of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Mr Vice Rector of the National Technical University of Athens
Distinguished guests, dear Colleagues
Ladies and Gentlemen
As president of Commission V! of the ISPRS and on behalf of the Organizing
Committee I have the privilege to welcome you all to our Med Congress Symposium of
When we started the preparations for this Symposium I thought that the moment
of addressing a welcome to you would be the most relieving and relaxing. Now I know
that! have to wait until the symposium is over, and then I hope I will be in a position to
say that it was very good but I am glad that it is over.
The board of Commission VI, the Greek Society of Photogram metry and Remote
Sensing, the National Technical University of Athens and especially the Department of
Topog'aphical Engineering, the Technical Chamber of Greece, the Hellenic Cadastral
and Mapping Organization, the Hellenic Association of Surveying Engineers and the
Organizing and Scientific Committees have all tried to make the symposium as official
and productive as possible.
To make it official we have made a lot of effort and it was necessary to
overcome many difficulties to hold this opening session in the famous and beautiful
Castelio of Rhodes. The Castello was used to house the first summit meeting of the
Heads of Government of the European Economic Community in December 1987,
when Greece held the presidency of the EEC. To get the Castello for Commission VI
was not an easy task. We have to thank Mr Kolias, head of the Archeological Service
in Rhodes, and his collaborators, the Mayor of Rhodes and the author ities of the City
who supported the idea, the Director of the Archeological Service Prof. Zias. the
Central Archeological Council in Athens, the Secretary General of the Ministry of
Culture and last but not least the Minister of Culture Mr. Tzanetakis who supported and
approved of the idea.