Full text: Modern trends of education in photogrammetry & remote sensing

sciences will best be able to provide society with the spatial information it needs in a 
form it can use. 
R.Anson - The Frustrations of Environmental Mapping. Pp 39-44 in:Proceedings of the 
Seminar on Teaching Cartography for Environmental Information Management, held at 
ITC, Enschede, 1989. Utrecht: ICA 1989. 
R.E.Dahlberg and J.RJensen - Educational implications of the integration of 
cartography and remote sensing into a conceptual model. Chapter 9 in Education and 
Training in Contemporary Cartography Series, edited by D.R.F.Taylor, John Wiley and 
Sons Ltd, pp 169-186. 
R.E.Dahlberg - Reformation of conceptual models for teaching cartography. In 
Proceedings of the Seminar on Teaching Computer-assisted Map Design.held at 
Siemens AG, Munich, May 9-11, 1988. Munich: ICA, 1988. 
P.Haemers - Teaching Environmental Mapping using RS Data. Pp 53-62 in: 
Proceedings of the Seminar on Teaching Cartography for Environmental Information 
Management, held at ITC, Enschede 1989. Utrecht: iCA 1989.

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