The Inhomogeneous coordinates of the transformation
p* —> p" are therefore
Mi u* ’
u 1 " = .
Mo + (mi~Mo)u 1 ’ + (m2~mo)u 2 ’ + (m3~mo)u 3 1
1-Ums 1 -um3 2
UM3 1
UM3 :
Mo- »
Mi “ «
1 —U3 1 —U3 2
U3 1
U3 2
and the affine coordinates 1n the map of an art)
trary point of the image may be calculated from
Those formulas hold 1f and only 1f all coordinates
u 1 refer to the system of the basic points Gh .
Therefore the measured coordinates v 1 must be
reduced to this system using the spatial homo
geneous affine transformation u=Av, where
A =
10 0 0
aio ai 1 ai 2 ai3
a2o a2i 322 a23
a30 aai a32 a33
and the aij can be computed from the measured
coordinates of the basic points by
Avi = ei 1=0,1,2,3
ei 1s the homogeneous “unit vector" with 1 at the
positions 0 and i.
1.4 Transformation between protective planes
The transformation between projective planes meets
the well-known rectification of linear images of
plane objects. The algebraic-projective procedure,
which represents a very elegant proof of this
method, may easily be derived from the relations of
section 1.3 omitting all fourth components. Its
spedai treatment is given in {Brandstatter, 1989).
The dimension of the projective spaces "map" and
"Image" is n=2, the required number of control
points n+2=4. Three of them (fig.2) define the
respective affine systems. As in the map all points
have orthonormal coordinates, the homogeneous
Fig. 2: The affine coordinate systems of map and
linear image
position vectors Xi T = (1,Xi 1 ,Xi 2) have to be
converted to the affine system of the map by AmXì =
= um . The components of Am result from AmXi=0ì,
1=0,1,2, with the determinant
D = j X11 X12
X01 X02
X01 X02
j X21 X22
X21 X22
X11 X12
1 ‘ D 0 0
Am = ~ X02X21-X22X01 X22-X02 X02-X12 ,
D X01X12~Xi1X02 X01-X21 X11-X01
and the fourth control point now is um.i = AmX3 . In
the image space the elements of the affine trans
formation have quite the same shape replacing Xjk
by vjk and the fourth point 1s U3 = AV3. According
to (1.3.4) the factors pi are
Miu 1
um 1 =
MO + (pi~Mo)u 1 +(M2-Mo)u 2
Flnaly its orthonormal coordinates are derived fr
Am ' 1 um =X, where the components of Am -1 may
determined from AM _1 ei=Xi as
Am* 1
1 0 0
X01 X11-X01 X21-X01
X02 X12-X02 X22-X02
1.5 Optical rectification
The procedure of 1.4 could be used for the comput
tional rectification of digital images.But also t
traditional optical rectification is a projectl
method, where the transformation is realized by t
laws of geometric optics. By means of the foe
length f of an ideal lens the projection is defin
by the regular projective matrix
f 0 0 1
0 f 0 0
or Pf _ 1 =
1 0 0 -1/f
0 10 0
0 0 f 0
0 0 G f
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
Introducing orthonormal coordinates X,Y,Z (= systi
of rectifier, fig.3) in order to get metric settii
elements, the homogeneous position vectors are i
= (XO ,X1 ,X2 ,X3 ) , X0 = const. (X=X1 /xo , Y=X2/XO ,Z = Xj/X|
and the projection is performed by x ’ =Pfl
Therewith the contents of an image plane
P : h T x = hoxo + hixi + 112x2 + h3X3 = 0 (1.5:
are to be rectified into a map
Pm: h’ T x’= ho’xo’+ hi’xi’+ h2’x2’+ h3’x3*= 0.
The coefficients h’ depend on h because of x=Pr'i
and therefore h T Pf 1 x’=0, by the simple relation
h’ T = h T Pr ‘ 1 , (1.5.1
yielding the equation
fhoxo’+ fhixi’+ fh2X2*+ (fh3-ho)x3’= 0 (1.5.1
of the plane Pm. For X3 = X3’=0 this equation ar
(1.5.1) produce the same homogeneous line S
hoxo + hixi + h2X2 = 0,
in the principal plane H of the lens, proving '
the condition of Scheimpflug. In order to achiei
sharp projection over the whole area of the recti
fication this condition must be satisfied. The Hi
S, which may be given by the equations
B T u = 0 in P and Bm t um = 0 in Pm ,
must be parallel to :
the image of the horizon (fig. 3), represented
P by the homogeneous equation
Mo ♦ (pi - mo )u 1 + (M2 - ¡Jo ) u 2 = a T u = 0
from denominators in (1.4.1) and
the var
which r
two coef
Bi =ai ,
Bm 1 = om 1 ,
In analc
an T =a T K'
As the
yields u
Qm 0, qm
from whi
Bmo = 1 +
By means
plane cc
can be
con sum in
the X-ax
usual 1 y
1974). T
G: ho+h2'
and the ■