Full text: Modern trends of education in photogrammetry & remote sensing

McNair, Arthur J. ; Dodge, H.F. and Rutledge, J.D. ( 1958): A Solution of 
the General Analytical Aerotriangulation Problem (Technical Report, 
ERDL Contract № DA-44-009 ENG 2986; Cornell University, Ithaca, 
Merritt, Everett (1951): Photogrammetric Control Extension by Analytical 
Means (US Naval Photographic Interpretation Center Report № 110-51). 
Mikhail, Edward M. (1963): A New Approach to Analytical Aerotriangulation 
- Two Directional Triplets in Sub-block (Ph.D. thesis, Cornell Uni 
versity, Ithaca, N.Y.). 
Mikhail, Edward M. (1970): Parametric Constraints in Least Squares (PE 
Miller, Charles L. (1957): The Spatial Model Concept of Photogrammetry 
(PE 23/1). 
Moritz, Helmut (1978): Statistical Foundation of Collocation (US Air 
Force Geophysics Lab. Document № AFGL-TR-78-0182). 
OEEPE (1973): Proceedings of the OEEPE Symposium on Experimental Research 
on Accuracy of Aerial Triangulation - Results of Oberschwaben Test. 
(Publication officielle de 1'OEEPE, № 8, Frankfurt). 
Okamoto, Atsushi (1981): Orientation and Construction of Models Parts I, 
II, III (PERS 47/10, 11 and 12). 
Pinkney, H.F.L. (1978): Theory and Development of an On-line 30 Hz Video 
Photogrammetry System for Real-time Three-dimensional Control (ISP 
Commission V Symposium Proceedings, Stockholm, Sweden). 
Roelofs, R. (1949): Erreurs systématiques ou accidentelles? (Phta 1) 
Ryokichi, Kamiya (1960): A Short Report of a Practical Method for Ana- 
lytical Aerial Triangulation (Asia Air Survey Company publication, 
Tokyo, Japan). 
Schenk, Anton (1972): Fortran Program for Photogrammetric Block Triangu 
lation With the Bundles Method (Institut für Geodäsie u. Photogram 
metrie, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland). 
Schermerhorn, Willem and Neumaier, R. (1939): Systematiche Fehler der 
Aerotriangulation (Phta 2). 
Schermerhorn, W. (1964): Jubilee Volume: International Training Center 
for Aerial Survey, Delft, The Netherlands. 
Schmid, Hellmut (1951): Spatial Triangulation by Means of Photogrammetry 
(US Ballistic Research Laboratories Report № 784; Aberdeen Proving 
Ground, MD).

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