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4 The response of educational programmes to these changes
In order to remain effective, educational institutes will have to adapt their
programmes to the changed circumstances of surveying and mapping agencies in
terms of their mandates, their structures, their activities and the tools used.
As far as structures are concerned, ITC has recognised the need for inter-,
disciplinary activity to solve survey, mapping and geo-information production
problems and will enforce this through an integration next year of the disciplines of
aerial photography, phoiogrammetry, cartography, digital remote sensing and
computer science in a new Department of Geo informatics.
Furthermore, in response to this need for integration, the Department of
Phoiogrammetry has completely redesigned its educational programme to meet a
new goal of developing leadership in various functions within organisations that
are engaged in the production and dissemination of map and geo-information. Of
the key functions in such an organisation, the Department has identified the four
target groups A, B, C and D shown in the figure for its revised education
programme, namely:
- target group A
photogrammetric production unit supervisor, responsible for day to day
production and links between units
- target group B
overall production manager, responsible for all aspects of day to day produc
tion and technology adaption
- target group C
engineering support and development staff, responsible for the development
of new' production capabilities and technical support
- target group D
top-executive of survey and mapping organisation, responsible for inception,
justification and execution of programme
lably struc-
litated and
nimised or