3.2 . Controlled adaptive compression
Controlled adaptive compression is a coding procedure adapting to different data
sets without prior knowledge of the statistical properties. Two-dimensional data
sets (images) are in a particular manner transformed into one-dimensional data
sets (data sequences'). This sequence of d igital data is decomposed into partial se
quences which are separately coded using an optimum code tor each sequence.
The used code contains single value as well as length coding. The decomposition
is preceded by a calculation whether a compression is feasible at all and if so
which the most fitting code out of a set of available codes tor the particular sub
sequence would be. IT is procedure avoids compression factors < i which may
otherweise occur for complicated original data structures.
This procedure has been applied to the classified image of Fig. ^ and achieved a
compression factor of 6.84. A derailed description of the procedure is given in /2/.
/1/ La Bonte, A.: Two-Dimesional Image Coding by Micro-Adaptive Picture-Se
Proceedings SP1 Volume 119: San Diego 1977
/2/ Guenther, A.: Controlled adaptive compression - a redundancy reducing tech-
ni q u e
(del ivered fo r pu bl i ca tion)