Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Progress in Data Processing and Analysis

and the substrate moisture measured in the laboratory. As to the 
correction of the additional filters a special factor has been 
determined for every filter. The spectral signatures of the substrates 
corrected by the suppression of moisture enabled a discrimination to be 
made between single groups of substrates even for the special filters 
with the narrow bandwidth. Compared to the other substrate groups the 
spectral signatures of clay differed significantly (Fig. 4). 
For the diagnosis of the substrate groups 'normalized and corrected 
remission values as well as ratioing and contrast features have been 
used. A selection of suitable features was made to demonstrate, the 
possibilities of discriminating the sediments investigated. As was 
seen from table .1 the clay signatures can be separated from the other 
substrates. For the limestones however a discrimination is only partly 
possible. The other substrate groups are separable from each other. 
The results obtained by the investigations have demonstrated the 
principal determination of sedimentary formations. Frerequist.es 'for 
this are the correction of moisture influencing the spectral signature 
and making reference measurements. The separation within substrate 
groups is possible only for singular cases. The reason for this is the 
additional interference filters with their large bandwidths which have 
been caused by the manufacture process ( B — 0.03 A ). Neither the 
spectral resolution (50 nm) nor the technique of registration as 
point or track measurements is suited to make a detailed aerial 
mapping of the geologic formations sucessfully.

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