Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Progress in Data Processing and Analysis

The ecotops as the main elements of the 
geosystems including their anthropogenic 
modifications are characterized by the whole 
combination of their features, and the terrain forms 
substant iona1 content have the most 
importance.Actually there is an empiric approach to 
the separation of the ecotops faces, taking it as a 
landscape complex with uniform natural conditions 
Each of the geosystem is characterized by the 
determined type of the space use. It has its own 
special ecological potential which must be studied 
through the whole complex of interacting parts and 
connect ions. 
The ecological situations as it follows from the 
above reflects the situation of the interior dynamics 
of the geosystem as the main reason for the violation 
of its face homogeniousity and must be detected by 
interpretation features. 
Practically it is very important to have an idea 
of the ecotop as a whole :to know its background 
structure and anthropogenic modifications. So its 
possible to juge about all potentially possible 
developments only on the basis of the data about 
background structure. 
Formation and development of concrete situations 
are going in the environment conditions and the 
environment as a rule is not only the object of 
direct action but the conductor of counterreact ions. 
I he geosystems here acts as the concrete picture of 
the environment which can show in all details both 
direct and backward interactions of the parts , The 
landscape reacts on these interactions and leaves 
the” tracks” of that action. Our task is to find out 
now to "read” these tracks and to transform them in 
informative signals. 
The leading method of the space images of the 
Earth is the method of landscape interpretat ion which 
allows to implement the complex systematic approach 
to the territory, to study its natural laws for 
the determination of forms and limits of its specific 
state. The first stage of the landscape analyses 
allows to form the map of natural resources of the 
most general content. Such assisting map is necessary 
as the common background for the content of other 
ecological map over the territory in study. 
The second important stage is the elaboration of 
the content of landscape and ecological map. 
Therefore the special attention should be given to the 
specification of the parameters which determine the 
functional stability of the environment. First of all 
these are morphometric characteristics of the relief 
and its elements, lithological composition of the 
grounds,conditions of water exchange in them, the

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