Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Progress in Data Processing and Analysis

Depending on the main system—formi ng relation the systems 
can be formed in accordance with the laws of polymorphi— 
sation, isomerisation, or realising both laws. 
In conformity with the law of polymorphisation any system 
belongs to various sets of polymorphic modifications of the 
system. Compositions of polymorphic modificat1ons of the 
system obey the constant law of composition, but consist of 
various sets cf primary elements. When treating any 
composition of gsoinformation fields as an element of 
various systems one can detect new properties of this 
composition and thus determine compos! t t on of geoin-formation 
fields as an indicator of a new property of natural 
environment examined. This principle is presently used to 
develop methods of analysis and interpretation of remote 
s e n s i n y d a t a. 
The law of isomerisation, describes creation of various 
raodi f i cat i c ns cf systems from the same primary elements, by 
means of changing the law of composition of these elements. 
Therefore, compositions of geci nf ormat i or» fields of a 
permanent structure, but built according to different laws 
of composition. act as features - indicators of various 
natural objects and processes. This regularity in systems 
building Is not taken into account i r? current methods of 
analysis and interpretation of remote sensing data (at: 
least, on the level of objective analysis'. 
Development of a geosystem produces 
polymorphic-isomerical compositions which are subject tc 
interaction of these laws, so that the features - 
indicators, differing in composition of their elements and 
law of interaction betwween them, are being formed. 
Therefore, in order to provide for the efficiency of geo 
information technologies of remote sensing of natural 
environment in various branches of economic activities it Is 
essential to take into account this regularity when 
analysing and interpreting the structure of geoinformation 
fields. This opportunity can be usedby employing new 
mathematic models for imitating polymorphic-isomerical

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