Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Progress in Data Processing and Analysis

3. Tasks and objectives of the Commission II Working Groups; —-—— 
report on progress made since 1988 (WG ‘ 
3.1. Analytical Instruments (WG 11/1 ; chairman: Morris L 
McKenzie, USA) Effoi 
This Working Group is concerned with computer-controlled on Ec 
photogrammetric and remote sensing instruments for analysis, Commi 
i.e. with the dissemination of information about analytical Othei 
instruments by Working Group reports, technical meetings, - coe 
workshops and conferences. To assist users directly and usi 
equipment manufacturers indirectly, the WG II/1 has compiled - imp 
a package of information on analytical instruments, comprising - in1 
four separate parts: - mar 
- a catalogue consisting of manufacturers' leaflets and - cor 
brochures, - exp 
- instructions assisting the user in selecting the most - col 
suitable equipment, anc 
- standards and specifications applicable to purchasing - exp 
contracts, and anc 
- test procedures for determining the accuracy of a machine - corr 
in procuring and, later, in productive use. re nr 
- mod 
Within the period from 1988 to 1992, WG 11/1 will update these - 1ar 
four brochures and, in addition, define further tasks that - alg 
users and manufactures may, upon inquiry, suggest to be wit 
worked on. 
Given the speed of technical development, a catalogue is 3.3. 
usually out of date before it comes from the printer's. Therefore Archi 
the WG intends to replace the catalogue by reproduceable tables 
with an alphabetical list of manufacturers, the analytical ^ WG 1 
compilation instruments made by them, and the significant Felsk 
data of these instruments. The tables will be supplied free of This 
charge, which does not apply to the catalogue. As soon as the pract 
tables are available, they will replace the catalogue. The a; 
emp lo;

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