Basic _ _ _ _
' : 1
L disciplines
♦ I ♦
GI Photogrammetry:
I—»- • technology |
1 • production _
i .
i __ GI users'
r-*- • technology
L_ . production (problem solving)
Fig. 1: Interrelated disciplines
2.1 Nev developments in basic and related fields
Development of photogrammetrie technology is fostered by the advent
in the basic fields especially of micro-electronics and computer
science. New mass storage devices, fast communication means,
powerful processors, high-resolution colour monitors, and artificial
intelligence tools promote the development of digital techniques and
systems. Nevertheless, difficult conceptual problems and physical
limitations are still prohibiting a full operational maturity of
such systems.
The related fields, such as geodesy, cartography, remote sensing
(RS), etc, affect the development of the photogrammetric techniques
and vice versa. Their impact is, however, less influential than that
of the basic fields. Some of the techniques in the related fields
are similar and can be exchanged with minor adaptations. Hence,
these fields can enrich each other.
2.2 State of the art
The given state of the art in GI technology provides the upper limit
of the techniques for GI production, its handling, communication and
use. In photogrammetry, the state of the art addresses the hardware,
software, procedures, information and data, communication, quality
control, etc.
The future state of the art can be predicted from the current and
past states of achievements in the basic fields, related fields and
in the area of photogrammetry.
2.3 GI production environment
The techniques applied for GI production usually reflect the state
of the art achieved 5 to 20 years earlier. The time delay between
the new state of the art and the actually applied techniques stems
partly from the lagging acquaintance with— and awareness of— the
new developments, and partly from the shortage of the necessary
GI technology and
production engineering
GI application