Topic 3 Proposals for development with the final goal that such
systems are widely used in practice.
Some proposals for the further development of digital photogramme-
tric systems have been formulated, but not yet been discussed on
a broader base. They include:
- faster display for stereo viewing including continuous roaming,
zooming, and image rotation,
- improved possibilities for interactive measurement of image
coordinates with subpixel accuracy,
- simultaneous use of more than two digital images,
- greater integration of automated procedures for digital image
matching, feature extraction, and image understanding,
- improved integration with vector and raster GIS,
- improved human interface.
No practical tests are planned for the present period.
As of September 1990 IC WG II/III has 69 members from 14 countries, 55
members from 11 countries in Europe, 10 members from two countries in
North America and 4 members from one country in Asia.
The first IC WG II/III meeting took place in Stuttgart on September 13,
1989 together with a meeting of WG III/3 "Thematic information
extraction from digital images" (Chairman Prof. Dr. T. Schenk, Ohio,
Co-Chairman Dr.-Ing. B.S. Schulz, Frankfurt). The meeting was attended
by 38 participants.
In the discussion it was pointed out that a digital system should have
all features of analytical systems and more.
In view of rapid hardware changes, portable software was seen as the
key factor for the success of any digital photogrammetric system.
A Joint Workshop of IC WG II/III and WG V/3 "Image analysis and image
synthesis in close range applications" (Chairmen Dr.-Ing. D. Fritsch,
Munich, and Dr. J.P. Muller, London) was held in London on February 13
and 14, 1990, entitled "Hardware and software for fast image data
processing". The workshop was attended by 36 participants, mainly from
the photogrammetric and the computer vision communities. In three
sessions 12 papers were presented.
The results of the workshop can be summarized as follows:
Instead of special hardware, off-the-shelf products are mainly
used for digital photogrammetric workstations.